Thursday, October 25, 2018

Sonatas of Grace - Shorts

I spent a long time conceiving of the characters I've introduced in Glory in the Flower. I didn't want them to just be names that did stuff... I wanted very much for them to be real, full-blooded, fleshed-out human beings. So I thought about the past, and how they might have lived before the start of the book's events.

In Glory in the Flower, one of the running themes is the odd and wonderful and slightly crazy adventures the characters Peter and Ollie have had over the course of their friendship, particularly in Colorado and during their time doing mission work overseas. Most of these adventures were born from my slightly (extremely) interesting and unhinged brain. A few might be based upon things that happened to people I know (with their full permission to borrow the stories). So I'm going to write a few short stories about these adventures. My plan at the moment is to make these short stories available for free or at very low cost. If the interest is there, I might compile them into a book eventually.

The shorts will differ from the books somewhat in that they are of a more classic adventure form than the novels, which are more complex and character-driven. The shorts may also give some clues as to what could be happening eventually in the novels.

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