I've uploaded the first of the Sonatas of Grace shorts, entitled Impulses of Deeper Birth.
“Not my best day, Lord, Peter prayed silently. However, I’d quite
appreciate it if You would help me survive it. Although, if Ollie dies, I
would respectfully request You take me, too. I’d rather get shot than
have to deal with Fee.”
What was supposed to be a quiet day goes
horribly awry for Peter Wentworth when he picks his younger cousin Ollie
up at the airport. A hitchhiker that shouldn’t be trusted, a Raging
Judge, a frantic belly-crawl through dog droppings… it all adds up to a
rather crazy little adventure. In the midst of it all, Peter still seeks
to share his faith in Christ, but will his zeal for the Gospel cost him
or Ollie their lives? And would it be easier to just be martyred in a
cult compound in the back country of Colorado or have to face down his
formidable cousin Fee and confess he put her beloved little brother in
A short story that takes place fourteen years before the
events of the Sonatas of Grace series, Impulses of Deeper Birth is a
rollicking little tale to showcase the beginning of a deep and profound
I had a blast writing this. In some ways, it was complicated because I had to think about what these characters would have been like fourteen years before I wrote them in Glory in the Flower. Nobody's the same at eighteen as they are at thirty-two. So I got to show a younger, less mature, less spiritual Ollie. As Peter's character is only hinted at in Glory in the Flower, I got to reveal a few more tidbits. Peter's story will come to full bloom in the third book of the series, tentatively titled After Many Wanderings. I also got to offer a bit of Fee before she became Sister Fee. She, like the others, is not quite the same. Some of the other characters presented in this little tale might show up again too... one interesting thing I find about life is how things tend to circle round again. We think we're done with someone, but that's quite often not true.
Smashwords Link: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/903298
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